The Blueprint For A Better Practice

Key Course Information

Price: £12,000 (inc VAT)
How to Pay: Via 0% interest instalments over 12 to 24 months or via Swift Plus.
Modules: 10
Duration: 12-months
Start Date: Rolling workshops so join at any time.
CPD: 75 hours
Location: Choose between online or face-to-face (at a venue near Bicester).
Delivered by: Dr Jane Lelean, an international dental business coach, certified trainer, dentist, and a proud Tipton Training graduate having completed the Restorative & Operative courses 20 years ago.

What is “The Blueprint For A Better Practice”?

Take your practice from conventional to exceptional.

Dentistry has shifted. Access to patients is tough and managing your team has become more complex – all impacting on the bottom line. Rapid changes are needed to improve your financial health, prevent expensive time-consuming mistakes, and redesign your operation, so it becomes streamlined, efficient, and productive. It’s time to clear the decks, get rid of the frustrations and find a system that will transform your practice and guarantee success.

With the help of this 10-day course, spread over 12-months, you can grow your practice, your reputation, and your clinical skills by delivering what patients want, without cheating, cutting corners, or working super long hours that eat into your home life.

This course is designed to hone your entrepreneurial skills and shift your mindset to start thinking like a business owner. You’ll learn how to create a vision and identify the values and culture upon which you want to build your future. Long-term success is within your grasp. Our training uses evidence-based learning techniques to help you define where you want your dental business to go and how to get you there.

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Who is this Course For?

Practice principals and aspiring practice owners who are committed to taking their practice to the next level and believe:

  • Their practice and team can be better than they are.
  • Teamwork and learning are the keys to a successful practice.
  • Business skills and clinical skills are essential to run a successful dental practice.
  • Successful business owners are created, not born.
  • Successful people are successful because they learn from others.
  • There has to be an easier way than the conventional approach.

By the end of this course, you will be equipped with the skills to identify commercial opportunities, align your team, and deliver an improved customer experience, so your practice runs effectively and efficiently. You will have:

  • Strategies to reduce stress.
  • Tips to save time.
  • Tools to improve profitability.
  • Skills to enhance the team.
  • Techniques to give you more confidence.

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Course Structure

“The Blueprint for a Better Practice” is a series of interactive workshops that will give you all the tools you need to implement change into your practice at your own pace, and in a way that works for you. It includes 10 modules covering everything from time management, to marketing, to finance management.

As it is a rolling course, you can sign up at any point throughout the year!

The course is made up of:

  • 10 full day workshops or 20 half days.
  • 12 one-to-one personalised coaching sessions.
  • Membership of the Dental Practice Owners Club – 20 meetings over 24 months.
  • 20 interactive monthly progress report and support webinars over 24 months.

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Course Modules

There are 10 modules delivered over 12-months. As it is a rolling course, you can sign up at any point throughout the year!

1. Creating a VIP Practice (January)

Module 1 will enable you to identify the culture and values upon which you want to build your future. Covid has taught you what’s important in life – what you do & do not want. This module will help you to:
– Create a clear vision for your future.
– Start setting yourself empowering goals.
– Implement your strategic plan.
– Begin tracking your progress today.

2. Planning Time to Succeed (February)

Module 2 focuses on how you spend your time. Discover how to find time to set goals and plan your diary to implement critical changes. This module will enable you to:
– Smart plan your personal and professional diaries.
– Organise your appointment books to maximise efficiency and increase financial viability.
– Help you learn how to make full use of down time.

3. Finance Management (March)

Module 3 focuses on the finances of your practice, how to generate more money and learn how to budget with ease. It will cover:
– Getting to grips with KPIs (Key Performance Indicators).
– Setting prices.
– Building financial reserves.
– Paying down debt.
– Understanding the story behind the numbers.
– Running weekly/monthly financial review meetings.
– Creating a profitable practice.

4. Teamwork (April)

Module 4 shows you how to recruit, train, motivate and retain your ideal team of professionals by building a culture of success. It will focus on:
– How to design your ideal organisational structure.
– Perfect APRs (Achievement and Planning Reviews).
– Managing out menaces.
– Recruiting ideal candidates.
– Retaining and developing a dependable team.

5. Patient Satisfaction (May)

Module 5 will focus on how to build relationships, improve satisfaction, and reduce risk of litigation. It will cover:
– Designing an exceptional patient journey.
– Recruiting raving fans.
– Exceeding patients’ expectations with TNT.
– Patient retention.

6. Marketing Strategically (June)

Module 6 will teach you how to identify your ideal patients and how to attract more of them with the right message, across the right channels. It will focus on:
– The science behind effective marketing.
– The 3 M’s to marketing.
– The 4 R’s to building your patient base.
– The 4 keys to successful marketing.

7. Selling Simply (July)

Module 7 will explore how to sell your services the human way, by helping patients make the best choices. This module focuses on:
– Psychology-based buying.
– Eliciting essential information using the SHOP.
– How to use patient-specific language.
– A team approach to patient-centred sales.

8. Foolproof Systems (September)

Module 8 will assist you in developing effective, foolproof systems so that your practice will become simpler to run and more profitable. It will focus on:
– Creating and maintaining your operations manual.
– Everything in a system and a system for everything.
– Providing 4 steps to a perfect system.
– Action plans and accountability.

9. Thinking Entrepreneurially (October)

Module 9 will give you the tools you need to understand your role, the art of delegation and learn to develop your leadership style. It will focus on:
– Entrepreneurial leadership.
– The 4 styles of dental leadership.
– Delegation not abdication.
– The 3 roles of a clinical partner.

10. Working Well for You (November)

Module 10 will enable you to achieve the balance you desperately need in all areas of your life so you can become truly successful. Ditch the stress and readdress your work-life balance for true success. This module will focus on:
– Building resilience.
– Becoming fully healthy.
– How to establish your ideal work/life balance.

Delivered by Dr Jane Lelean

Dr Lelean completed the Tipton Training Academy Restorative & Operative programmes 20 years ago. She understands dentistry and how to improve your practice. When it comes to something as important as transforming your dental practice you can’t afford to make any major errors. The current climate has made it hard enough for dentists and practice owners to keep themselves afloat. We know how important it is for you to have peace of mind that your money and your time is being well spent.

Most coaches have never walked in your shoes so how could they know what you’re going through? That’s where this course is different. Your trainer and coach, Dr Jane Lelean, has experienced the traumas of when things go wrong and understands just how crucial coaching can be to turning things around – it is what helped her get herself back on her feet.

A qualified and accredited international dental business coach, certified trainer and dentist, Dr Jane Lelean is the only dentist globally to hold the acclaimed Master Certified Coach (MCC) accreditation from the International Coaching Federation (ICF). With her team she has supported hundreds of clients, like you, worldwide to produce tangible results so they can fall in love with dentistry again.

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“Life changing for the better. It makes you re-evaluate your values and timelines and makes me think about why I do things and how I do them.” MK, Practice Owner

“Jane is fantastic mentor and coach and draws from a wealth of experience. She is friendly and approachable and truly understands people and how to help them. She genuinely wants to see them succeed.” JW, Dentist

“Jane is enthusiastic, and you will always come away understanding more about yourself, your team and the progression and growth of your business.” SM, Practice Manager

“I wish I had met Jane 10 years ago; I could have saved myself so much stress!” BN, Principal

“This course will open your mind to ideas and concepts that are new and applicable to the daily running of a successful dental business.” JW, Associate Dentist

The Blueprint For A Better Practice

Enquiry Form

We know that making the leap to transforming your practice can feel daunting at first. If you have any questions about this course or how else we might be able to help you to achieve your goals, please fill in the form below:

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